
Basil Braveheart

 "My grandma used to get up in the morning and say a prayer before she cooked. That prayer was a song. It's amazing to me that the singing she did is an ancient way of connecting with the Universe. The Uni-verse means "One Song." In the early 1930's and 40's, Lakota ceremonies were referred to as lo wapi, which means song/singing. Also my grandma told me that the Universe is singing in the snowflakes, the raindrops, in the trees, the water, and all Creation. Physicists call this holistic holographic universe. Lakotas call it Taku Wakan Skan Skan/Mitakuye Oyasin, which means everything is connected and related in divine rhythm, vibration. Remember the Lakotas know that the song sings the singer. The Spirit sings the song." -- Basil Braveheart