2 Parents
4 Grandparents
8 Great Grandparents
16 Great Grandparents
32 Trastatar Grandparents
64 Pent Grandparents
128 Hex Grandparents
256 Heptabuelos
512 Octabuelos
1024 Anne Grandparents
2048 Decparents
Just the total of the last 11 generations, 4.094 ANCESTRALS were necessary, all of this in about 300 years before you or me were born!
Stop for a moment and think...
Where did they come from?
How many struggles have you fought?
How much hunger did they go through?
How many wars have they ever lived?
How many vicissitudes did our ancestors survive?
On the other hand, how much love, strength, joys and encouragement did we bequeathed?
How much of their strength to survive, each of them had and left within us so that today we are alive.
We only exist thanks to everything that each of them has gone through.
It is our duty to honor our ancestors!