The First Verse of Genesis
A mystical interpretation
translated letter by letter from the Hebrew
by our friend Stan Tenen ~
"Breaking Open, Inside Outside;
Rushing, Radiating, Reaching
All Life
Shining Source-Light
In Inner Being
Itself Recurring In Itself
Breaking Open, Inside Outside;
Rushing, Radiating, Reaching
Blooming, Kindling, Inside Lighting
Looking Open, In with Out
In Inner Being
Golden-Flowing, Moving Outward, In Itself
Itself Recurring In Itself
Looking Open, In with Out
Shining Source-Light
Inside Dividing
In Inner Being
Golden-Flowing, Moving Outward, In Itself
Doing, Living, Co-Evolving
Itself Recurring In Itself
Looking Open, In with Out
Rushing, Radiating, Reaching
Treetop, Upright; Bearing Wholeness, Carrying Light."