The only thing we can truly bequeath to the next generation are Roots and Wings. I hope this blog inspires you to share yours.
Let us begin
"Physics has provided the basis for the design of the fission and
fusion bombs, biology -- germ warfare, chemistry -- nerve gas. And all
of them have helped bring us to the brink of doom. But they still do
not provide keys to ultimate power. If we do destroy ourselves, it will
be the minds of human beings, the unhealthy emotions of individuals, the
fear, the hate, the jealousy and the greed of individuals that will
trigger these horrors. . . .You can use Inner Science to educate each
individual to understand himself or herself, to control his or her
negative emotions and distorted notions, and to cultivate his or her
highest potentials of love and wisdom. And you can keep improving your
Outer Sciences to better understand, control and beautify the
environment for the greater benefit of all beings. There is an enormous
amount of work to be done. Let us begin it here and now." ~ The Dalai
Lama at Harvard