The only thing we can truly bequeath to the next generation are Roots and Wings. I hope this blog inspires you to share yours.
For those who are awake
"For those who are awake the cosmos is one." -Heraclitus
"...the flickering film of the phenomenal world is an illusion which cannot obscure the eternal unity that lies behind it..."
Arnold Toynbee
"Each element of the cosmos is positively woven from all the others.... the universe holds together, and only one way of considering it is really possible, that is, to take it as a whole, in one piece." -Teilhard de Chardin
"Ultimately, the entire universe...has to be understood as a single undivided whole..." -David Bohm, physicist
"Heaven and earth and I are of the same root...are of one substance." -Sojo, a monk and scholar from the Zen tradition.
"I am in some sense boundless, my being encompassing the farthest limits of the universe, touching and moving every atom of existence. The same is true of everything else.... It is not just that 'we are all in it' together. We all are it, rising and falling as one living body." -Buddhist scholar, Francis Cook, Hua-yen Buddhism
When Jesus was asked, "When will the kingdom come?" He replied: "It will not come by waiting for it.... Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." Jesus also said, "...the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you." -Gospel of Thomas, Gnostic Gospels
"We may imagine that the One, since It is absolute, must be distant from us spiritually or even spatially... We forget that the absoluteness of the One includes absolute immanence, or omnipresence. Thus the One is here and now, not a stranger, not even an other, but the very nature of what we are." -Lex Hixon
"Each being contains in itself the whole intelligible world. Therefore All is everywhere." -Plotinus