
Native Wisdom in a Quantum World

When Bohm speaks of the undivided wholeness of the cosmos and the superimplicate order that is behind and within all things, he invokes religious ideas of an ineffable and unknowable ground of being-Brahman,Tao,and so forth. The meeting ground for science and religion is indeed upon us. We live in very exciting times. Now is the time for dialogue across what is known as science and religion or spirituality, and between and among disciplines, in a search for what Buckminster Fuller called "comprehensivist" thinking-the largest patterned integrity that is trans-disciplinary and "wholistic"without borders, a nonhabitual, nondetermined,nonlocal thought that is connected with Spirit. It is what IONS (Institute for Noetic Sciences) would call noetic consciousness, what Emerson called the Oversoul, and Jung the collective unconscious. It could be the outcome of what cultural linguist Matthew Bronson has called "Big Tent Science." The real illusion that has permeated Western consciousness is our imagined separation from the natural world. Now that the quantum revolution has exposed the impossibility of separating the observer from the observed,reuniting our current science with the ancient sciences among indigenous peoples, the concept of nonlocal thought and radical interconnection with the natural world is being re-understood. It is my desire that education,and all of society,be re-envisioned with this connection in mind.

- GLENN APARICIO PARRY - Native Wisdom in a Quantum World
from http://www.shiftinaction.com/node/1633