The only thing we can truly bequeath to the next generation are Roots and Wings. I hope this blog inspires you to share yours.
I am searching for sacred knowledge and not just a
palliative for my fears. And the question with which
I open my search, and knew at the onset but am seeing
for the first time now as I approach the close of my
life, is ‘why does something exist rather than
Nothing is simpler than something. Why is
‘Being' necessary? This to me is sufficient reason
for ‘Existence.’ But we are not just Beings, we are
also ‘Human’ Beings. What Human Beings 'do' is find
out, explore, discover, uncover which is the exact
opposite of simple belief, acceptance of dogma.
What is sacred knowledge is the whole journey, not the
goal. All that I can do is trace my own thinking and
understanding of Being' in the hopes that it will
stimulate others to go further, so that new insights
wil emerge.
-Carl Sagan, (paraphrased)