The only thing we can truly bequeath to the next generation are Roots and Wings. I hope this blog inspires you to share yours.
"Just as the hand,
held before the eye,
can hide the tallest mountain,
so the routine of everyday life
can keep us from seeing
the vast radiance and
the secret wonders
that fill the world."
~ Reb Nachman of Breslov
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Still water
“When water is still it is like a mirror…
And if water thus derives lucidity from stillness
how much more the faculties of mind?
The mind of the sage in repose
becomes the mirror
of the universe."
~Chuang Tzu
Reigion is cancer
The land has everything.
"The land has everything it needs, but it couldn't speak. It couldn't express itself. Tell it's identity. And so it grew a tongue. That is the Yolnu. That is me. We are the tongue of te land. Grown by the land so it can sing who it is. We exist so we can paint the land." Djambawa Marawili, Yolnu Elder, Australia's Northern Territory.
Luminous Beings
We are luminoius beings. We are perceivers
We are awareness. We are not objects.
We have no solidity. We are boundless.
The world of objects and solidity
is a way of making our passage on Earth convenient.
It is only a description that was created to help us.
We, or rather our reasons, forget that the description is only a description,
and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle
from which we rarely emerge in a lifetime.
We are perceivers. The world that we perceive is an illusion.
It was created by a description that was told to us
since the moment we were born.
~Don Juan Matus