The only thing we can truly bequeath to the next generation are Roots and Wings. I hope this blog inspires you to share yours.
Insight from Joni Mitchell
Tolle on Identity
"Even thousands of years before the advent of Facebook and similar things, people constructed for themselves an identity, and now we got the technology with which you can externalize the image of 'me' on your created Facebook profile, and show it to the whole world. It is often used unconsciously in enhancing the image one has of oneself. Then you see other people's images on their Facebook pages, and you think that's who they are. And you try to polish up your image and compete with them. In many cases it becomes an artificial construct, which can actually strengthen the delusion of the false self - it doesn't have to, but often it does.
That's not who you are. Once we realize that, we can let go of the delusory identity, and you can be who you are without needing to define yourself. So you have wonderful moments of not knowing. It liberates you from the conceptual mind. Then you're perceiving other people, the world around you, and yourself through the spacious awareness. That's what you are."
~ Eckhart Tolle
Wings to the Mind
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